May the lord keep you in the palm of his hand and never close his fist too tight!

These things I warmly wish for you
someone to love
some work to do
a bit o sun
a bit o cheer
and a guardian angel always near!
God is good, but never dance in a small boat!
Wishing you the luck of the irish today!
I'm not a wee bit irish.. and my daughter continually reminds me of that. what a party pooper!but I do have a little leprechan living in my house!
have a fun day!
Happy Saint Patty's!
isn't everyone irish on st patrick's day? i thought so...have a good one Viv!!!
Loved this post and pictures...sooo funny! Can't go wrong with a little Bailey's!
Everyone is a little Irish on St. Patrick's Day!!! He is wonderful!
Hey Viv, Pass me some of that Baileys plz... (hiccup)...oh my, I just love St Patty's Day! Yup, with 'Kelly' as my maiden name...I'm a true Irish Girl :) *** Have a Happy St Patricks Day!
Well, faith'n begorran', Lass! Your wee girlie is after tryin' your patience, she is! You'll be tellin' her the bitty man in green won't be leavin' her a pot to pee in, much LESS a pot of GOLD for tryin' to take away your Irish soul! [HOLY St. Paddy's Day! My Irish brogue is PITIFUL. Maybe I could do with just a weeeeeee drop of the Bailey's, then???]
ha ha - Great post!!!
You crack me up!
We are most certainly Irish...my husband's name "McKillion" my maiden name "Logan" and my mom's name "O'Brien"...Happy St Patrick's day anyways! Love your leprachaun.
Hope you got that camera out today!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! At first I was going to comment on how cute that Lebrechaun is until I saw the bottle of Bailey's...I think I will be having a little cocktail this evening!
Best wishes,
Cute leprechan, love the bottle. ;)
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Hi Viv,
I was just at Elizabeth's blog, so I came over to give you a Happy St. Pat's day and to tell you I am proud of you for taking down the Christmas stuff from the front of the house! LOL You crack me up! Haqve a good night!
My holiday decorating friend! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! Viv, do you know the less you eat, the more you post pictures of food! For me it's reading cookbooks when I am dieting. I become obsessed with them! Have a great weekend ahead. Go Green! E
You crack me up Viv! Doesn't your daughter know that EVERYONE is Irish on St. Patty's Day :)
Hope you are having a great week!
oh my gosh how cute is the little leprechaun! lol about dancing in a small boat! love the Baileys, have one for me ok? xo
It sounds like you might have a few drops of Irish blood in you- after reading this post..hee,hee!
Hi, from your girl with the curl...smile! You caught on quick to my nick name Viv! By the way, I've connected like glue to my swap partner so no worries!
I knew there was a good reason I like ya...little green men..Top of the morn back at ya!
I'm laughing from these photos!!!
i'm not irish either but I'll take a tall glass of that Bailey's on rocks please!
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