You know that song from the 70's.. its a beautiful morning.. Its been stuck in my head allll week.. but I like that song, so its ok. Its a happy song! I think I'll post it on my playlist when I get done here.

then, theres this song..
♪♪vivi had a little lamb.. little lamb... little lamb ♪♪

I feel like Ive been a bad blogger bud lately. so totally unable to keep up with everyone like I'm used to doing.. or at least was better at until lately! but I am still here, and I have been quietly visiting I still love ya all and love to stop in and see what youre up to. I just always seem to be a bit pressed for time! I'm sure you all know exactly what I'm talking about!
hey!!! did 2 someones drop out of my followers??
There were 195 the other day.. now theres 193, 2 someones disappeared!
maybe they dont like me anymore.
oh.. and one more thing.. Whats up with these stupid annonymous spammy messages I keep getting that make no sense. they are making me mad! Blogger make them go away!
(OK.. I'm done complaining now!)

The most exciting thing in my life right now, has been the gorgeous spring weather that we had this last week! It was wonderful.. highs up to 60. sunny and perfect for going for walks! Which I did alot of. today the weather seems to be taking a step back to cool and rainy. but thats to be expected for this time of year. So hopefully there will be a dry spot later for a good walk! Got to keep losing this weight! doing ok.. just slower then I would like.. but I'm sticking to the program! not giving up or in!

I had a ball the last few days needlefelting all these little easter sweets! they will be going in the mail monday.. off to meet new people.. I hope they will like them! Been working on getting some swaps finished up and out of the way. I only have Elizabeths tag swap left to work on , and soul mommas may day basket swap. but I have lots of time to get that one done. E's need to be finished to be mailed out with in the next couple days or so. Wow.. Easter is early this year!

Today the kids are all supposed to be coming over for spagetti dinner. I have to go make meatballs soon as I finish here. I'm thinking about making choc chip cookies too.. that could get me into trouble though!! Then when Jen gets out of church were heading up to buffalo stamps to get some paper for E's tags. maybe stopping at the christmas tree store too. I love living in the country, but hate that we have to drive an hour to get anywhere good!

okeedokie!thats all for now folks.. gonna do some bloggy hopping now!
Oh your felted animal are so sweet, I love to visit your beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day. Terri
OOOOOOOH! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your darling Easter cuties! That lil' lamby is my FAVORITE! Give him a squeeze for me before you send him away! As for the spammy messages on Blogger - I am SICK of those things, too! Yesterday - in response to my happy lil' post about my family - someone felt the need to tell me I needed to be SAVED and went into a long religious rant. Sigh. Now I could understand that (perhaps) if I'd posted about dancing with the devil (LOL!) or about going on a mass murdering spree. But I talked about my daughter, grandchildren, & great grandchild visiting in a few months. Uhhhh! I just delete that junk, but it annoys me to no end! Grrrr! One more thing (aren't you sorry I'm visiting your blog with my talky self?) Is there going to be room at the table for one MORE spaghetti lover? Heehee! Love you, Viv!!!!
The beat goes you remember, da, da, da dee..the beat goes on. Your life is full of heart beats..heart beats of fun! I would never ever exit stage left from your blog! They are just dumb bunnies that come and go like that! Cheers to family and spagetti and life in motion! You rock, dear Viv. Don't let the bad bunnies get you down!
Hey girl... I can so relate when one of my "followers" drops off my page. I really get all depressed and moody... so fifth grade right? lol
With the warmer weather and the weeds a callin' my name, I too find it hard to sit behind the computer. *sigh*... why can't we bank the winter hours and have super long days when we need/want them? lol
I've gotten two spammy comments. Be careful if you click on the link to them... cause thats how they get a virus into your computer, or it is a link to a site selling stuff. So, if your not liking what they've said, just deleat it :-)Happy days ahead right? ALWAYS!!!
Such adorable needle felting, Viv. And those darling look really at home in the little basket. Just love them!
Oh my gosh!!!!! Your little felted animals are just too cute! I love the duck with green crepe paper ruffle! And the photo of your bags of goodies....I would have to buy one for sure if they were in a show or on Etsy! I love cellophane bags, I have since I was a kid! And the cute tages on top! I am going back to take a second look! :)
I love the little goodies bags!!! And, I love the little cloth (?) bunnies in them. Is that a pattern I can get somewhere?
Lots of love,
Vivian, You work a full time job, cook for your family, needle felt like crazy, exercise, diet, and hmmm what else, oh decorate like crazy for the holidays. And you are worried about visiting. Heck, we will just have to come visit you more often. I'm on the lookout for those two that left the neighborhood! Have a great week ahead. Elizabeth
Such cute little felties! Their new owners are gonna love them!
Viv, your goodie bags are the cutest things...i love how you packaged them up in the cello bags, that is just adorable...i love your little lambie felts, they are pure puffy fluffy cuteness!!!
What darling Easter fancies!
Cute Easter stuff! I think Blogger drops people every once in a while. About 2 months ago I went looking for a few I had been following and they were not on my list! I like to look at the list so I don't forget and was hopping they had not stopped blogging. I don't think they believed me but I didn't "unfollow" I did switch a few to Reader as Blogger tops out at following 300 blogs! Yea, I couldn't believe had that many but I did. I moved some shops and background/image blogs to reader so I could go look there fro them. I'm still there!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh my goodness, Viv!!!!
Those needlefelted sweets are absolutely wonderful! The little lamb... how weird that we both posted something about that today! We must be psychic! hehe
I have been getting those darn spammers, too~ viagra and male enhancement ads are really wearing me out!!!! UGH!
Everything is so pretty around here, as usual, you have such lovely posts!
So I thought you had etsy or something! Do you sell your sweet little lambs? I would love one!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh Viv, I LOVE your felted Easter animals. I have had all the felting supplies for three years and still have not been brave enough to try it out. I think you need to come out to AZ, stay with me and teach a class!! I'll wine and dine you and let you swim in my pool!!!!
XOXO Nancy
I swear my dear, you are so good at this felting stuff! Too cute!
They are soooo sweet...m..
oh my gosh they are SO adorable Vivian!!! Love the little lambs :)
I had to google that song, the playlist doesn't work here - something to do with copyright and being outside the States. Cute song!
i love your little felted critters and your blog is lovely and so cheery. :) love that song too, reminds me of my young teenage years ( sigh ) those were the good times
Ah Viv, LOVE LOVE LOVE your lit'l lambs! Cute as can be!
Blessings, Joy and Monday Sunshine, Terri
I love your felted babies! They are wonderful!
Sandra Evertson
OMG!! I see lambs! so cute!!!!
Yeah- wasn't that weather incredible!? xo
I love your little lambs girl! Don't worry about the followers because tons more probably read your blog through google reader. What are those bunnies in the cellophane wrap? Too cute! Happy Spring!
Sandy xox
I'm so glad you liked the little easter basket I made for you! I enjoyed making it and stuffing it with goodies for you.
I received your basket yesterday in the mail. So cute! I love the felted animals! Thank you so much for your generosity and the time you put into everything!
OK...NOW THAT SONG IS IN MY HEAD TOO!!!! (but i love it's
wow! these guys are so so cute! whomever the recipients are...boy, are they lucky! :)
VIV! Your little Easter figures are so cute, especially the lamb!
Happy Easter!
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