These are the last two kittens adn both are for my daughter Jennifer, but she cant take them yet. She has to move out of her apartment into another one at the end of the month. Really she is only moving so that she can have these sweet and wild creatures. So.. do you want to know their names?? the one above is Mister Whisker Buster Buttons! and the one below is Prince Pouncer Rumble Pumpkin!

I Know.. we are crazy.. and those are crazy names.. they will be called fred and frank for short. but not by me.. I'll probably call them Whiskers and Pouncer. They arent very cuddly.. they like to play wildly! But Frannie and Figgy were like that too at first.
We have plans for tonight. We are all going out to dinner. Tony and I and all the kids and their boyfriends/girlfriends. should be interesting. I'm trying not to eat to much today to save points for dinner.. but I'm starving and I keep finding myself in the kitchen eating jelly beans!! love those spicy ones!

OH! did you wonder why I called my post "sunday snoring"? Its because both Jennifer and my husband are sleeping in the living room and it sounds like a couple of harleys running! Ive got big band music playing in here to drowned them out! lol!
Im taking my camera to dinner so maybe I'll have more pictures later. IF not, then have a great night everyone!
Those are the CUTEST kittens and I LOVE their names!
oooh, i need one of those bunnies too...i love his cone and basket...SO sweet those kitties:) i am glad they are staying in the family...their names are a mouthful, but precious all the same...
I'm going to miss the kitten pictures :( I managed to put almost all of my Christmas decorations in boxes this weekend -- I just found another basket full..... I did it in between mopping the freakin basement flood.
The kittens are so cute. Your bunny is gorgeous.
Can I just say one more time..those of the prettiest babies I've ever seen! Those eyes! They get me every time!
And the bunny! LOVE IT! But I'm lovin' your humor most of all..I'm referring to the Harley reference. Off-the-rails FUNNY!
Hope you have a great evening out with everybody. Sounds like a blast.
Love that bunny! Can I ask, where did you find him? Was it a chain store? I so need some new bunnies! Mine are mostly fun cutesie ones from when my kids were little....I just love him, he is so perfect! And I am glad to see all of the kitties have good homes now....I imagine Mom and Dad are really ready for them to be gone!
Whisker & Pouncer aka Fred & Frank are cute !!! lol Rabbit is cute too. I need to get my Easter decorations out.
Please, please tell us where you got that wonderful Bunny!!!
And, the kitty babies. So, so sweet.
Lots of love,
Sweet new banner and bunnies for Easter, Viv!!
Could you wrap up a kitten for my Easter basket? *teehee*
Christina :)
I think you've been on a spending freeze from the time I've known you... and things still hop in your cart. :D
VIv such a fun post -- bunnies and kitties --OH MY !! love the bunny under the dome -- Hope you
had a great family time -- Kathy - ga ♥
I want to reach into the computer and steal those sweet kittens!!!
OMG! I'm SOOOOO behind answering blogs! I've kept UP with them all, but ... sigh. Just wanted to say I'm GLAD you got that bunny! He WANTED to live with you, Viv! Your house looks festive and HAPPY & I'm guessing it's the 'funnest' place on the planet to be - even WITH the two wild kitties! LOL! (I LIKE wild kitties. I like ALL kitties!) And I LOVE YOU!
Awwwww Viv that Bunny is sooooo cute! I can see why you could'nt pass him up! He is precious!
I worked on making your bunny all day yesterday! Just have the pretty finishing touches to add! Then I am off to eat some yogurt and make Easter baskets! :-)
Have a fun evening with your kiddos and hubby!
Hugz, Dolly
Cute bunny! Hope you have more luck getting more things done this week. Eat lots of fruit to boost your energy. Carbs will only give you a huge drop later. I am doing Cindy (Thimbleprims)type of dieting and it's working like a charm :) Have a great week!
Sandy xox
Lovin' that bunny. I so sppreciate you stopping over at my new house!!!
Love your bunny...of course, you had to have him. You kittens continue to crack me up. They are so dang cute and love how feisty they are. I sure hate to hear that they will be leaving soon. I will really miss their sweet faces.
XO Nancy
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