Thursday, July 28, 2011
waiting for Sandy!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
OK.. finally a chance to post..

Saturday, July 23, 2011
wth.. blogger is messed up!
Friday, July 22, 2011
peek a boo!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
torry update
I'll be back tomorrow with another torry update!
♥thank you♥
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
pray for my torry pie!

Hello all.. sorry I've not been around. I guess I've been busy. Tony finished the kitchen floor. what a huge difference. I can believe how long I put up with the old floor. It turned out that there were three floors on top of what was probably once a beautiful hard wood floor. would have taken a lot of time and money to restore that old floor. In any case I like what we have down now and it makes the kitchen much brighter.
My back /hip went out last week and is driving me insane. Add the heat to that and Ive not been the most pleasant person around. Which is part of the reason I've not been on the computer much, first of all Im not comfortable sitting here and second of all, I dont have much interesting to say!
Yesterday beth had impacted wisdom teeth pulled so I babysat Torry pie.. (not good on the already messed up back!) and he has a little cold so he wasnt in the most pleasant mood either! but he and I muddled through the hot day and just hung out! I let him play in the sink for a little bit to cool him off. He is the sweetest little thing.. I just adore him!
well, I've got to leave for work soon. oh joy joy joy... hopefully tonight I'll be able to get on here and do some blog hopping! i miss all my bloggy buds!
see yas later!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
in honor of Sgt Trevor Cook

Our sweet little town lost a hero last weekend. Heres the article from our area newspaper. Pray for his family. they are great people. All of my kids knew Trevor. Everyone knows everyone here. Its devastating to everyone. Im leaving in a few minutes to go stand on the street in Medina with a flag and a candle to welcome him home with many other Orleans County citizens. His plane has been delayed so they arent expected to pass through until about 1:20 am. I bet even at that hour, there will be hundreds of people there.
Article from the medina journal register.
"David Cook remembers his son as an energetic young man who knew exactly what he wanted to do in life, and that’s why he joined the Marine Corps. Sadly, his life was cut short when a UH-1Y helicopter he was in crashed during a training session Wednesday evening at Camp Pendleton in southern California.“It’s really hard — it’s your only son,” David said Thursday. “When you’re flying every day there’s a risk. That’s the risk that he took.”Sgt. Trevor Cook, 25, was one of six Marines involved in the accident; two other marines were badly hurt and three others sustained minor injuries, according to David.Trevor was a crew chief with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369 of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing and had been in the Marines for seven years. His father said he spent time in the Gulf of Aden and the Pacific Theater, and returned last November from his most recent tour in Afghanistan, where he served about eight months. He was scheduled to return to Afghanistan in November.David said his son was trained to perform a number of different tasks on the helicopter, from flying and repairs, to medical needs. “Any job that needed to be done, he could fill in at a moment’s notice,” David said Thursday, before heading out to California to bring home his son.Trevor’s sister, Chelsea, 23, has fond memories of her big brother.“I used to write him letters, even when he came back home, to let him know how much he meant to me,” she said.Chelsea was home alone Wednesday night when two Marines came to the house to deliver the news of Trevor’s death.She said she heard the front doorbell and knew something was up. “No one rings the front door,” she said. “I opened the door and said ‘What’s going on?’ ”While the Marines couldn’t inform her of Trevor’s death until her parents arrived home, Chelsea said she already knew.“I had to wait 10 minutes for my parents to get home. It felt like days,” she said.And although the news was also devastating for Trevor’s wife, Amanda, who he recently married in California, Chelsea said she’s happy he found love.“We’re glad he had the opportunity to be married before he passed,” she said. “This was his first and only love. I can’t imagine how she feels.”Chelsea, who talked to her brother the day before he died, said Trevor was proud to be a Marine.“When I asked him, why are you doing this? he said ‘for you.’ He was one of the most positive human beings I could have ever known.“We’re very blessed to have such a wonderful community,” she said of the support the family has received.David and wife Carol Cook have lived in Lyndonville for 28 years, and both were raised in Medina. Trevor and Amanda each attended the Lyndonville Central School District.According to David, Trevor signed up for in the military before his 2004 high school graduation.“He signed up an as early entry,” he said. “He knew early on that he wanted to join — since 9/11. .... He wanted to fly. He wanted to make a difference.”David recalled his son being involved in sports and the music departments at Lyndonville.“I just remember him as a very energetic boy and young man, and when he said he was going into the Marines, we knew we’d be proud.”Trevor’s maternal grandfather, Glenn Stalker, 79, was also a Marine.“To tell you the truth, he didn’t know I was a Marine,” Glenn said of his grandson’s decision to enlist. “He surprised us all. He knew what he wanted to do. He knew he wanted to get up in the air.”Glenn served three years in the Marine Corps, from 1951 to 1954.Trevor’s paternal grandfather, Donald Cook, spent about 30 years as an outdoor writer and photographer for The Journal-Register, completing his work in the 1990s.Steve Goodrich of American Legion Post 1603 Houseman-Tanner in Lyndonville said Trevor is the first Marine from the village to be killed since Operation Iraqi Freedom began.“It’s devastating,” he said.The veteran and post member of 4 years said the post will — at the family’s request — be helping with funeral arrangements.First Sgt. Joseph Migliore Jr. was one of the two Marines out of Rochester who went to the Cook residence Wednesday night to inform the family of Trevor’s death, and they returned Thursday to assist the family.“It’s not a fun job, but it’s a job that has to be done,” Migliore said. “It’s better for the family to find out from the Marine Corps, rather than on the news.”As for how the Cook family is going to move forward, Chelsea said she’s not sure.“We don’t really know right now, all we can do is stay positive,” she said. “He was a very big Christian, and because of that we know he’s OK.”“A lot of us take for granted our military, which lets us enjoys the things we do,” said David. “These guys and girls are out there 24/7, 365. I hope people will take from our son that he was a patriot and loved what he did.”
a little update/edit

The processional of the hearse, law enforcement, limos with family members, service men, and patriot riders brought Trevor back into Medina last night (this morning) at 2:00 am. there were at least 1000 people lining the street with candles and flags. Patriotic music played from somewhere. So bittersweet.
glad I didnt have to work this morning, but was up at 7:00! doing a little painting, then going to the beach!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
pussy cat pussy cat where have you been?

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?"
I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
my mind is always at the beach!

Arent ( arent, arent, arent.. is that a word??)
or should I say Isnt.. Isnt she and her snail friend cute?
ARent she and her snail friend cute?
Either way,
I think they will be going to live at work,
in my sand box.

Dont you have a sandbox on your desk?
Hee hee!
have a great day!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
a day at the beach...

Saturday, July 9, 2011
here I am..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
a little dose of torry pie!
hope you all had a great weekend. I need the rest of the week off now! but .. hi ho hi ho.. off to work I go! see yas later!
oh.. isnt my torry pie FREAKEN ADORABLE!!??
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011
I love 4th of july weekend!