Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011
pressies and friendship!
I am blessed in many ways.. but one of the biggest blessings I have in my life is friendship! I have lots of wonderful, thoughtful, kind and creative girlfriends. One of them is Natalea from Kandeland! I met Nat through bloggiing and it turned out that we live only an hour apart, so we have been able to spend quite a bit of time together over the last few years. Natalea is a freaken riot! I am so lucky to know her! she sent me the sweetest ever gifts yesterday. Look at the adorable collage she made! isnt it perfect??? me, figgy, franny and buffy! and the little box is just full of little treasures!
and then, you have to read this card she found ... It couldnt be more perfect, as Im always wishing for a fairy god mother! honestly... it fits me to a t!

I received 4 packages yesterday, (2 were for an ornie swap, but one of them was from my dear flickr Friend Kelly! I met Kelly online too through flickr and we became swap pals as we loved each others creations. Then last year I hosted a little crafting weekend at my aunts cottage and Kelly drove all the way up from OHio to come hang out for the weekend! We had a ball! now in three weeks, I will be going to Ohio to spend the weekend with her! I so cant wait to go!

Kelly always sends the neatest stuff! Look at those awesome cupcake decorations! and LOOK at this! the neatest Halloween apron!! I LOve everything! thank you Kelly!!

I thought I'd model it for you! I must have taken 20 pictures and none of them came out very well.. I look like a total dork in them all.. but I thought that this one was pretty funny and figured I'd let you see what an old dork I am!!
So..anyways, I do have the most wonderful friends, here where I live, at work, friends from growing up and places I used to work, and my blogland friends. I love them all!
thank you God for the gift of Friendship!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
thinking about being 51!

Monday, September 26, 2011
freaky friends and ding dongs!!
They are fun and easy to make! Except that Im running out of pipe cleaners because figgy and franny seriously steal them! I have to keep them hidden! they are probably 20 or more under the entertainment center!
wanna know what a good boy my hubby is? He works an hour and 15 minutes or so away. tonight I called him on his way home to see if he was anywheres near joanns, he wasnt, he was 15 minutes past it, but he turned around and went back just to buy my a little spool of the tiny black pompom trim that I put on the pinkeep above! isnt he a good boy!? thats why I keep him! lol! hes been known to make trips to joanns to get felting needles or paper clay, sculpty, glue or paint.. or who knows what else! He just left to go to jens for something.. now.. if he would just bring home some icecream! lol! JUST KIDDING. so.. yeah, the losing weight plan... I did great sat and sun .. but blew it sunday night and this afternoon.. but I'll be back on track tomorrow.. someone just kick me in the butt please! there were dingdongs in the stupid machine at work today.. ding dongs! by hostess.. I havent had those since I was a teenager! Ding dongs!! I tell ya, I couldnt help myself...
But I have to admit.. first of all they were a little smushed.. and 2nd of all, they werent that great.. but I ate them anyways! no more ding dongs for me! naughty naughty!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
taking care of business...

(acorns made for my friends 50th bday.. didnt get 50 made, only 30!)
OK girls.. so this is it.. for my 50th birthday I lost 50 pounds. (55 really). I will soon turn 51 in another week or so, and I have to admit that this year I found, at last count about 30 of those pounds back! And if I am to be honest, I would guess that I have gained 40 of those pounds back... wth! Im not quite ready to step on the scale to see the grand total..

(could have ruined her surprise party as I thought the party was last night! its sunday! thankfully no one was home!)
But the good news is, this craziness is going to stop now. I have been eating anything I wanted when ever I wanted and as much as I wanted for weeks and weeks.. I've even been to nasty Mcdonalds a few times lately and i had completely given that up.. same for DONUTS!!

(love these cute and spooky stickers, bought at Micheals!)
So heres the scoop! There are several of you who have mentioned to me the desire to lose weight. so I'm starting a little group. we can encourage each other and post healthy, lowfat recipes to share. And just try to be accountable to each other. I'm putting on my walking shoes and I'm getting moving again.. and riding my sweet pink bicycle.. that sits on the porch wondering if Ive forgotten about her!

(cute on the these bottles arent they?)
Weight watchers is an awesome place to go for tips and accountability and it worked sooo well for me before, but seriously I just dont want to give them my money. I have the tools, I know what to do and I'm just going to do it.. we all know that diets are temporary.. it cant be that way.. it has to be for life.

(a little blurry! )
I got to thinking that for one.. Im fat and its unhealthy as well as unattractive! But also, I'm only 50 (well for a few more days anyways) and I cant retire for another 11 ro 12 years. I need to be able to work. Also, I'm a grammy pie now and will surelyin the next few years! Which means I NEED to be healthy so I can be the best ever grammy for them. I would like to be around for another 40 or more years.. in a healthy capacity.. so this is it...

no more of this out of control eating. Starting now, today, I'm going back to where I started about two years ago. You'll probably get tired of hearing about it.. and if for some reason I'm not talking about it, call me out.. cause that probably means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

(dont they look like theyre cooking up some evil little plan!?)
If youre serious and you want to join in, let me know and I'll be sure to check in on you and to encourage you too. Okeedokie girls?
so to start today out, this is what i'm having for breakfast.
A scrambled egg with peppers, onions and tomatos, a little bit of ham chopped up in it and a laughing cow cheese wedge melted into it. with a 100 cal bagel thin and spray butter (no cals) . I'm also having two little clementine oranges. (I'll be counting my points using the old weight watchers points, not the new..) My total points for breakfast will be about 6 points.
Ok.. other then that, I have some crafty plans for the weekend! All halloween related of course! And I've still got to decorate my porch. its cold and rainy out today, a perfect day for that kind of stuff! I'll be back later to check on all my bloggy buds! love yas!
happy Saturday!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
frannie pants and figgy pie
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011
warning.. grumpy post...Dont you ever get grumpy??

Oh dear girlfriends.. I am feeling a wee bit grumpy tonight. Lots of odd stuff bothering me.
Frannie is better, but not her old self. still not running and playing. and not eating a heck of a lot.
That stray is still out there and he IS sickly. He has got to go. Im pissed that some freaken how (thanks to my son..) this cat has become my responsibility. I dont want to be responsible for getting him well or finding him a home. at the same time I feel so bad for him. he is very sweet.
Work absolutely sucked this afternoon and sometimes I hate my job and think I'll never be able to stick it out til I can retire!
I came home stressed and pigged out on all kinds of crap. which makes me mad, because I really want to go back on my weight watchers plan. Remember when I lost that 55 pounds????? yeah? well lets not think about that too much.
I want to be a rich princess and stay home and play!
Darn it!
My craft room is a disaster and needs some major organizing and cleaning up!
and.. I'm sick of sitting at the computer.
why do we blog?

oh. geez.. listen to whiney old me.. OLD! thats another problem.. I look old! and I could grow a freaken beard! ..
I'm just tired girls and still not feeling that great and then a kid I work with ticked me off really bad this afternoon.. like REALLY ticked me off.
I'll be fine in the morning.. I should just get some juice and a bowl of hotair popcorn and watch something stupid on tv!
sorry for the whining...
but do you like the silly pumpkins? I made those while I wasted time resting this weekend.
sweet dreams girlfriends!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2 posts in one day!

I really need to feel 100% better for tomorrow as we are celebrating jens 30th birthday and everyone will be over for dinner. I will be making stuffed shells. Thats what she asked for for her birthday dinner. I'll have to make a cake in the morning too.