Ive been trying to think of something special to say for my 1001st post... but Ive got nothing profound.. nothing deep, nothing except the fact that I love this blogging community. Ive met the most awesome, kind hearted, fun loving, caring and creative women here.
I have been blessed with a lot of good friends in my "real" life whom I love dearly. But honestly, most of them dont get my need to create my little sumthin sumthins.. or my need to drive an hour to the craft store almost once a week to look for little trinkets or whatnot, that I can use somehow in my little creations. and definitely, most of them dont get this whole blogging thing at all! but you guys do!
Ive also had the opportunity to have some of my bloggy and flickr friends spill over into my "real" life (I always hesitate to say "real" life.. because this is real life too.. ) and been lucky enough to meet quite a few of you in person. Ive gone on some great little art weekend adventures and even hosted a couple at my aunts cottage, that I would not have ever had the opportunity to do if not for blogging.
I wish I could meet all of you in person! just think of the party we would have. it would need to be a week long, one day would not be enough time!
I enjoy my daily cyber visits with you all.. Its like we're all neighbors, and Im out for a little morning walk catching up with each of you with a little chit chat over the fence or a quick visit inside to see something new you've been working on, or how you've redecorated something.. or to hear about a struggle you're having or to celebrate a birthday, wedding or new birth with you!

The inspiration I get in this little community is endless... Sometimes I feel like Alice in wonderland and I've gone down the rabbit hole and there is this maze full of little windows and doors and each one offers some sort of inspiration, whether its artistic, baking, decorating, journaling, ideas for family time, vacations, books or encouragement for healthy minds, souls and bodies.. its all here in blogging.. sometimes its views on life that are a little different from our own and its good to get a new perspective from someone elses view point!
I love seeing how others live. I know Ive said this before, but sometimes blog hopping to me is like when my husband and I would be driving somewhere at night and we'd go by houses where the drapes would be open and I could see into their houses for a brief second.. so curious to see how they live, how they decorate, what they are doing... (my husband would call this just plain nosey.. but I think he's wrong!) anyways.. thats sort of what blogging is for me, except much much more.. I can see in and linger for a bit.. and not only do I see into your homes, but better yet, into your very lives and into your hearts. And so... (blaah blaah blaah..getting sick of me yet??? lol) I hope that somehow thats what you get from me too.
I really do appreciate every single visit I get, and especially every single comment. I know I'm not great about answering them.. some of you are and I REALLY ADMIRE that!
If there is a down fall to blogging.. it is probably the amount of time that I spend sitting here... WAY too long! And also.. I do have to admit that sometimes I get a little jealous of your talent, your type A personality husbands (lol, kim, that one was about you!! Haha!) your big gorgeous homes, your trips to far away places, your thrifting finds... lol.. and probably a hundred other things! lol.. But regardless of the time spent here and maybe turning a little green from time to time.. this is something that I cant give up..
because I love you all my little girlie pies!
and with that.. I need to end.. because as usual... I have very little time left to get ready for work.. and buffy the bird is calling me and calling me and calling me for come feed her. Ive taught her to whistle the song "good morning" from singing in the rain! Omg! my husband cant stand it.. and I think its hysterical. she was stuck on "here comes peter cotton tail".. I had to give her a new song! lol!
OK.. by sweet friends.. gotta run...
and by the way..that freaken adorable nest??? was made by Kim Kenward.. isnt it adorable!? thank you kimmie pie!!
Congratulations!! All I can say is I agree!!! Love your blog! One of the first I found and continue to enjoy! chris
Awwww that was SWEET and OH SO true! I can't imagine my life without all of you in it! I am EVER so thankful to know you and to live in this world with Blogging:) HUGS to you and I hope you blog for many more years right along with me!
I couldn't do WITHOUT my Vivvy! Seriously! You are so REAL, so FUN, so extraordinarily TALENTED, and just plain old all-around WONDERFUL. I ALWAYS head over here to catch up with you! We bloggers truly are a neighborhood - a community of friends! LOVE YOU, Viv! To this old Comanche, you are nothing less than a treasure in my life! And congratulations on 1,001 posts! HOLY COW!!!!! That's AMAZING!
Hugs, right back at you! Someday, we WILL meet in person. You are my daily morning inspiration!
Love ya, Viv!
Oh , Viv! I look into illuminated homes while traveling, too! (I figure if they leaves the blinds open- they must not care!)
When I pass by a town at night and see all the houses, I think of all the people with their joys and sorrows and I'm struck with the immenseness of the world and the great God who created it!
I know what you mean about not knowing what to call "real" life. I refer to it as 3 D life. My internet relationships are just as real but none of my Internet friends ever get on my nerves and I like that. :)
I'm so glad to have met you through blogging and getting to know you even better through facebook.
Happy trails! ♥
I am always telling my husband what a cutie you are. I get lost for words..."George, she's just the cutest...I can't describe it, but her personality just bubbles." I told him how much I admire your strength...about the babies and how you keep going through such sorrow. Keep writing...your words and actions are an inspiration to many. Sending loving vibes your way!
I just love our blogging community!! I can totally agree with everything you said too!! :) It's amazing how many of us have crossed each other's paths threw blogging and we share a lot of the same passions here. I love it so! Seeing all the amazing and talented crafts, being so inspired, seeing gorgeous houses, and getting jealous of awesome thrifty finds! Lol! Hope you have a great day! Yay for 1001!! xo Holly
I know what you mean about wanting to see how people live. I love that about blogging. I just say I'm naturally curious!
I think you are such a warm, funny talented person who I would love to meet IRL. I don't know if that will ever happen, but I will continue to look at your blog and all the other inspiring ones out there, and hope that I can be a better person because of it.
Take care, Cindy
Oh Viv! What a treat it is to come here and see what YOU are up to. You are amazingly creative and I just don't know how you manage to get it all done. You are a true inspiration to me.
I'd love to meet you in person one day, but in the meanwhile I'll enjoy our bloggy visits.
Congrats! I so agree that the friends and kindred souls met with blogging...magical and inspiring.
Loved your comment on houses with drapes open so you could see in...I used to love to go up to the door when the kids were trick-or-treating so I could peer in over their shoulders or get a close up view in a window as we walked up. Happy day!
Oh Viv,
I feel the same way and LOVE my blogging friends!
Very sweet gift from Miss Kim! SO MUCH TALENT amoung our friends!
Happy 1001 posts!
Oh Viv, you are one of my favorite bloggy friends. True and dear to my heart. I love how you love those little pies .
That nest is stinking cute sure. Mine is in the works......
(((((HUGS))))) and congrats on 1001 posts from the heart.
Right back at you!!!! You are a VERY special lady in my life too!
Congrats on # 1001 !!!!!!
Vivvie, you're one of my favorite people and I'll always come to visit with you. Your talent inspires me, your good humor keeps me smiling and your heart is pure gold.
Love ya'
Congrats on 1001st post!! Thank you for your kinds words, visits, and sharing all your sweetness!! xo Heather
Hi...I am glad I just found your blog! I agree with your thoughts in a lot of ways!
that's a whole lotta posts Viv! i'm around 900 something I think... Anyway, sorry about the phone call the other day...did your phone die? I tried you back but after that hour the weekend got crazy as usual! Call me sometime soon! We need to go for breakfast..xo
1001 posts! Wow! Congrats! I love listening to you! You remind me of myself! I get very wordy sometime but I speak from my heart and I see you do too! I am following you here and am going to love coming back! Glad to know you are here with Jenny too! I love my bloggy friends and I love the ones I see daily, the ones I have met in person and all the rest here there and all over! Loved your post and wonderful words! Hugs Anne
Congrats! Great post!!!!! I feel the same way! My real life friends do not get what I do for the most part. Thank God for my internet friends!
Congratulations on your 1001st post!
And cheers to another 1001+ more!
Linda :)
I know exactly where you are coming from, my friends and family don't craft either. I love coming to your "house" and catching up on what you've been up to.
Chris =]
Well said, Vivian! I think you speak for a lot of us who blog. It IS real life! Congrats on your 1001 post!
xx hHelen
CONGRATS on your 1001st Post. WOW! I always love reading your blog and seeing what you are creating.
Just think if all of us on your blog lived in the same area. That would be SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!! :-) For now we read and love every minute of creating.
LOL! Love it that your bird sings "Singing in the Rain". LOL!
CONGRATS on your 1001st Post. WOW! I always love reading your blog and seeing what you are creating.
Just think if all of us on your blog lived in the same area. That would be SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!! :-) For now we read and love every minute of creating.
LOL! Love it that your bird sings "Singing in the Rain". LOL!
Amazing Viv congratulations on your 1001 post! It has been so much fun to find this little bloggy world. The amazing thing is everyone is different and yet the same! You are the only person I know who I truly think could carry off pink hair and look amazing!! Your crafts are so fun and deliciously quirky! I love them. You have an amazing loving heart & I am blessed to have found your blog!
How fun would it be if we all lived in the same place and could hang over the fence and visit with each other…on second thought God was wise in spreading us all around because if we all got together & lived in the same place we would never get our houses clean or go to work!LOL!
I recently read a saying that reminded me of you:
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of sliding safely in an attractive and well presented body but rather to slide in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming “WHAHOO, what a ride!"
I'm so glad you've let me peek in your windows the last few years. And you are welcome to peek into mine any time!
I think you said it all ! It's why many of us are in this Blogging World ..... My world too is very enriched by all that I have met here or have been lucky enough to stumble upon. I am more myself because of all of the inspiration from others here. I'm not afraid to be me, and be artsy , and silly and use my imagination and try new things. I love this blogging world and have for many years and hopefully many more years to come !
Love & Hugs , Sue
Oh my goodness congratulations sweetie! It is so wonderful coming to visit you in blogland. You are a treasure. Grace xoox
I love this post. I totally agree with how you feel about blogging and the friends we have met! I always look forward to seeing what's happening with you, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to call you a friend, even if we have only met in blogland.
Congratulations on your 1001 post!
i also love night rides and the peek into other peoples lives. we live in a very small town so i know almost everyone anyway, but it's fun to see whats on the walls or on the tv. maybe a little creepy but harmless. congrats on the 1001. cheri
I don't know how I missed this post , but Congrats on your 1001 post! You hit the nail on the head when you said blog-hopping is like going out on a daily walk and saying hello to neighbors along the way. Perfect description!
I don't know how I missed this post either! I thought I commented this...I guess I did mentally? I don't know...but I love your blog and I'm happy to be a follower of yours ....I love your creativity and the way you express yourself :)
Those little hungry birdies are adorable!
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