Tuesday, July 29, 2008
lj friends, blog banners and pinkeep swap
Friday, July 25, 2008
blog anniversary giveaway!
Ok, sounds like I'm giving some corny little acceptance speech of some sort! but really.... just Thank You.. for being out there playing with me!! big HUGS to all of you!
now leave me a comment and I will throw your names in a hat and pick a winner next friday!! Please share my giveaway on your blogs.. you can even post the pic if you want.. send some peeps on over!
Have a great day!
and to all of my girls doing the pinkeep swap.. mine are done and will be going in the mail.. tomorrow or monday.. I think I need address for amelia and sherrie.. please email me! Be sure to send me pics of what youve made girls, so I can post them! I can t wait to see what everyone is doing!!!
hugs! hugs! hugs!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
thanks girlies!
Friday, July 18, 2008
odds and ends...

1)Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
Monday, July 14, 2008
why are some of my pictures X'd and blank? this annoys me very very much.. Its been that way at flickr too lately.... whats up with that junk???
in other news. ..
laundry and gardening day.... and hopefully a trip up the road to sit by the lake for at least a half an hour or so! and after this lovely 4 day weekend, its back to work tomorrow.......................... blaaaaahhh!
I was supposed to be a princess... and princess'es dont have to work unless they feel like it!
maybe I'll take pictures of my overgrown and very neglected "gardens" to post later..
oh oh oh ! and I finished one of my pinkeeps.. cant wait to show it!
ok must get busy!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
swap badge and beach day

Thursday, July 10, 2008
ahhh the weekend....
I am feeling a bit tired out tonight for some reason... or lazy. Now that I think about it I do have things going on this weekend! tomorrow is the sidewalk sale at two of my favorite stores, I'm supposed to go there with a friend.. Saturday I have three graduation parties to go to... dont know if Im going to them though!! and sunday I'm supposed to go to the lake with some friends! MOnday.. no plans.. well... we shall see how the weekend unfolds and just what I do end up doing. for now.. I'm going to make a grocery list, and drink some water.. got a little headache going on.. need to get rid of it!
Do you like my new little bear? I just finished her last night. thats the one I took to my aunts cottage and to the ocean! Normally I start and finish them in a day.. this one took forever.. I guess I just was busy doing other things! her name is rosalea!
I'll be back!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
oh yes... we had fun!
then in the afternoon we hung around the pool sipping pina colodas! and getting some sun. Of course we then feasted on wonderful grilled burgers and hotdogs and great salads and goodies. I ate too much.. but I always say, "it takes a lot of food to maintain my figure!!"
We stopped home to get ready to go to the fireworks.. I made two huge bags of buttered popcorn to pass around and off we went. Im posting two videos here for you.. one is of a minute or so of our fireworks, the other.... there is no picture.. but you will hear me laughing! I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it!
I was laughing at this.. I know you can barely make it out, its my girlfriends son.. he was dressed in black with glowsticks sewn on.. he was a stick man.. sooo awesome in the dark though you cant tell in the picture.. but the funny part was when the the middle glow stick came undone and was dangling between his legs! boy did I get a laugh out of that!

OKeedokie.. I should get off this computer and get busy here somewhere. I'm hoping to get started today on something for my bloganniversary giveaway.. and also on my pinkeeps! so be sure to check back soon... heres a picture of Jasper from last 4th of July.. its jasper sam! Have a happy day!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
pinkeep swap and 4th of july

There are 13 of us doing the pinkeep swap. a very managable group I must admit! it would have been nice to have a few more.. but this is a great group! I do hope I didnt leave anyone out. If I did... give a yell...and I'll fix it!

one more thing... dont forget I'll be doing a bloganniversary give away... so make sure to come back soon! I hope to get to in sat or sunday!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
so much work to do!
I still cant believe that I actually was hanging 800 feet above the ocean from a parachute!! I must have really lost my mind on that vacation!! I havent forgotten the pinkeep swap or my one year blogversary give away.. but I really have work to do around here... more then i can ever get done... but I'll be back later!! hugs to ya'all!