Tony (jr) and Vanessa had an appt at the high risk pregnancy clinic at Strong Hosp in roch today. They saw another pediatric heart specialist. Vanessa also had an MRI. This is so very frustrating. If you recall, the first bad news they got was that the baby has a herniated diaphragm. That in and of itself is a very serious condition for the baby and could be fatal. They were referred to a specialist then, that told them that the baby also had a severely defective heart and that he wouldnt live 24 hours after birth. They decided at that point to carry the baby anyways and not to terminate the pregnancy. The plan was to deliver the baby and love him for whatever time they had with him. Which they were told could be 10 minutes to 10 days. I gave them a lot of credit for making that decision. It was a decision they made on their own, that we all fully support them on and believe is the right choice.
Then they went to another specialist, a pediatric heart specialist who told them that the babys heart looked ok. and there was a huge sigh of relief, even knowing that Jacob would still be dealing with serious problems due to the herniated diaphragm. Soon after their dr. referred them to the high risk pregnancy clinic at Strong Hosp. Which is where they went today. Today they saw Strongs pediatric heart specialist and she told them that jacobs heart does have defects.. but that she thought they were "survivable".
There are so many conflicting opionions. Its hard to know what to think. I'm sure they are feeling very discouraged at this time but are still trying to remain hopeful and positive. It is for sure that the baby has/will have some serious problems. I guess we wont know just how serious until he is born. Im just asking all of my bloggy buddies to keep praying for Jacob and for tony and Vanessa. the baby is due June 4th. So we have a little ways to go still. Im hoping that the MRI that she had today will give them some better news. fingers crossed and prayers sent!!
I'll be sure to update you's soon as we know anything else.
thank you for your prayers! You are all the" bestests"!