this morning I found this recipe on hungry girl.. (check out great stuff tips and stuff there!) The recipe was for blueberry pancakes made with oats.. It was sooo good!
Blue ribbon batter
1/3 cup of oats ( regular oats, not instant or steel cut)
1/4 cup of blueberries
3 tbsp egg whites
1 tbsp nonfat milk
1tbsp fat free cottage cheese (I didnt have any of this, so I used lowfat cream cheese instead)
1/8 tsp vanilla
1tbsp flour
1 no cal sweetner packet ( i used a tsp of splenda)
2 tbsp water
pinch of salt
combine all ingredients except for blueberries and mix well. Gently fold in blueberries. In a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray , drop batter into pan to form 3 pancakes or 1 big pancake. Once pancakes begin to look solid (about 3 minutes) gently flip, try to respritz pan to prevent sticking and cook til done about another 3 minutes or until done.
they suggest sugar free maple syrup. I didnt have any, but mrs butterworths is 4 points for 1/4 cup.. which is 4 tbsps.. I used 1 tbsp of syrup which was then one point.
The pancake was 3 points and VERY filling!
and oh so worth it to make!
Check out that Hungry girl site!
OK.. I've eaten, Ive played with kittens, I've exercised, Ive blogged, now I need to do the dishes and then work on some valentines stuff!
have a great day all!
Oh and if you havent left a comment on my giveaway post.. go back 3 entrys adn be sure to do so. I still have no idea what the prize will be. but it'll be something you'll like.. I promise!
Happy Saturday!!
The kitties are just precious. I remember that howling well...I had a siamese growing up. My kitty would cry for me at the back door when I wasn't home.
What cute lovelies you received!!
That pancake sounds delicious. I will have to try it.
I love those babies!!! I even considered contacting you to see if my hubby and I could come up and adopt one or two, but we just can't right now and I am so sad about it. Maybe we can out of the next litter. Figgy and Frannie are such amazing and affectionate, loving cats that I know their children are exceptional, too.
Also, you are sooooo BRAVE to even try that elliptical thing!! Is that the machine with those huge pedals that you put your feet on and then the pedals go down and up? If it is, I salute you, my friend! I saw a couple of them in the workout place near here and young ladies were on both of them. I'm not sure I will ever be brave enough even to climb up on one while it's turned off! : )
And, hooray for you! Your weight loss is continuing and you are feeling better and better all the time. I am sooooo proud of what you have accomplished and what you are continuing to accomplish. You are a hero/heroine (?) to many of us in blogland.
Love to you and to Figgy and Franny and a whole bunch of loves to those sweet little snookums babies. : )
OMG! Viv, you live in kitty Heaven! They are cuter every single DAY! I wish, wish, wish I could have one! Or two. Or ... LOL! Love the gorgeous mice - so adorable! And the Valentine boxes are AMAZING! Heather comes up with some great swaps, huh? Finally, .8 pounds LOST is WAAAAAY better than the same GAINED! You are doing great, Viv, and you are already just as pretty as can be. Girl, you are going to be a force to be reckoned with when you hit your goal weight! ROCK ON!
gnghhh. this is killing me w ter cute! PINKIES!!!!!
`sigh. if i adopted one, her name would be fionnula and i'd make a little satin & crystal collar for her and carry her in my hoodie all day.
*dream interrupted by boycat commotion punctuated my a melian hiss*
That picture of the kitty is to die for that sweet pink skin, you must be in Heaven! And again thanks for another great recipe, yummy. oxox, Diane
The kitties are too cute! Thanks for my Amour tag from Natalea's swap..I love it!!
You are so right!! Those kittens just keep on getting cuter!! I'll bet Figgy is strutting around the house meowing "Well, lookie what *I* created!!" lol :) Heather's mice are sooo cute!! And I LOL'ed when I saw that box you received!! What an awesome way to get your package!! The Post Office must have been having a Field day... Field mouse... get it? bwaha ha, sorry, bad joke! :) Love your baby picture!! Such a cutie :) And I Hate the elliptical!!! I only do it when I'm in for real torture :) (which is not often!) Have a wonderful weekend :)
Those little kitty's are looking sweeter everytime you show a photo. Love your swap treasures. Lots of FUN!
Deb :)
I had forgotten that Sheba talked all the time. She could drive you crazy wanting attention ALL the time. I loved her though. Trophy is much more laid back and he rarely talks--just when he is hungry or gets shut behind a door.
The picture of the baby with its eyes open is so precious!
My Dear Neighbor Viv! What a fun post! I do wish I lived near enough to visit your little kittens. The pincushion you made is over the top! I think you have a number one seller with this one! I just don't know how you make them so tiny! I'm just catching up with reading, CONGRATULATIONS on your 400th post! I smile every single time I read one. You come shining through loud and clear - I can see you in Ohio! Have a Sunday full of cheer! E
They are so sweet!!! hugs...m..
eeeeeeek!!! Viv, i would love to ake that last little baby that needs a home...but i don't think my other three would be too happy with boys would be thrilled though, they love our cats...our female walks around the house at night with her "baby" {read: ripped up nasty stuffed kitty} in her mouth, yowling her crazy head drives me nuts too...i love all of the swappy goodness you have going on over there...everything is lovely...and the little mice are so dang cute!!!
morning, love!!! what a delightful way to begin my morning! thank you for sharing your sweet little grandfurbabies with us!
On to a new week! wonder what excitement we will find on our journey!
big hugz and love
Kitties are coming along.....what a great box you recieved! Lots and lots of goodies!!!!! It looks like Momma Kitty is getting tired....:)
I am crowning you the "Queen of Swaps". Girlfriend, you are one busy bee! Those pancakes look amazing. I'm so hungry.
Have a great week sweet pea.
xo Cath
What cute lovelies you received!!
Work from home India
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