Tuesday, March 28, 2017


 oh dear oh dear..   what a horrible horrible blogger I have become.  I love my blog.. I don't know why I have avoided it.  well, not that I really have avoided ..  But I have no great excuses.  I guess Ive just been busy. 

 I have been able to do some Easter crafting!  I get so much inspiration from my little grandpies.   Look how cute they turned out as bunnies, lambs and chicks!    and one little sunshine!

 Maybe inspiration isn't the right word.   maybe obsessed is more like it. lol!

 They are just all so cute!  I cant help myself.

 Anyways..  I hope you are all well.  I feel so bad that I haven't kept in touch.  I really pretty much think I have nothing interesting to say that you haven't already heard a hundred times here! lol!

 I'm so glad that spring is in the air.  Even though I can not complain one little bit about the winter that we barely had.  Its still refreshing and exciting to know nice weather is on the horizon.. flowers, green trees and before you know it ...  the beach!

 I'm really hoping for beautiful weather for Easter day.  I have plans!  We're doing a big egg hunt for the kids.  I ordered a whole bunch of "junk" from oriental trading to fill eggs with.. Most of which will eventually end up in the trash.  but it'll be fun for at least that day!  

I'm also going to make a bunch of  bunny and chick instruments for the kids and let them march around having their own little Easter parade!  Gotta do this stuff while they are little.. someday they wont want to play grammie's games anymore!  gotta have fun now and take lots of pictures!

 hopefully they will humor their grammie for a few more years to come!  lol!

well that's all for now folks!  I just wanted to stop in and let you know I'm still alive and kicking.  Now.  I'm shall come visit all of my bloggy friends!  have a good night!


NanaDiana said...

I am so tickled to see a post from you here today, Viv! I LOVE those things---you will never bore us by repeating anything you have told us before. I love all the fun things you do and I know that you are super busy with work, kids & crafting but I love it when you take time to pop up a post.
I hope you have a wonderful night/week. xo Diana

Cindy said...

Well I am worse than you. I haven't posted on my blog since January! I love seeing your cute crafty things and your grandkids! So, so cute! My DIL is in a big snit with my husband and I so I don't know what we will do for Easter. Hopefully we can do an egg hunt. We'll see! Have a great day!

Valerie Cottage Making Mommy said...

That is the cutest craft I've seen in a very long time. I want some.

Theresa said...

SO nice to hear what you have been up to! ADORABLE GRAND-PIE creations:) Have a blessed day and don't stay gone so long, ya hear? HUGS!

Ann @ Corner of Plaid and Paisley said...

How fun!!! What a wonderful grandma your grandchildren have!!! I want to be one of your grandkids!!! I hope the Easter weather cooperates so that you can enjoy all your plans!!

Marlynne said...

What a terrific grandma you are! Such a darling collection of Grandbaby Easter Animals! Hope you will always make time to create, you are so good at it!

Bohemian said...

This is a Genius Idea and so Adorable... as are each and every one of your Grands! Do you Create these for their Baskets or for their Parents? Or just to Keep as a Display for Easter in your own Home? I've never seen anything like them... Brilliant! Happy Spring from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

DollZandThingZ said...

Those grand-pie Ester decorations are THE CUTEST!

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...
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Cheryl said...
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Just love the cute pics. Digitizing the art of photography in these pics is no doubt amazing. Thanks.

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Kristen Broad said...

So pretty, can you tell me what pattern did you use to create these art-works and did you use any embroidery?

PengetahuanDi said...
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