Its so very cold outside and the heat in my car isnt working very well! And it was quite stormy on the way home tonight. Needless to say.. with all that heavy wet snow and not much heat, my window kept freezing up! I had to pull over on the side of the road and wait awhile for the heat to heat the window up enough for me to see! And then I only drove about 40 mph all the way home because the roads were snow covered and slippery! by the time I got home I was freezing! as, what little heat I was getting , I had to keep blowing on the window.. so my tootsies got pretty cold!
So as soon as I got here it was into pjs and warm booties.. and to the kitchen to feed the kittens and make some hot tea with honey! And some popcorn in my new hot air popper that I got for christmas! I love it! isnt it the cutest thing?
Popcorn is a daily staple for me since I've been losing weight.. especially air popped.. no points unless I eat double what this machine makes in one cycle~ I may turn into a popcorn kernel someday!
I didnt just have popcorn for dinner though.. (that was a predinner snack!) I also made some sweet potatoes in the oven and cooked burgers for Tony and I. I make the best burgers for only 6 points! 4 ozs of 95% lean ground beef, a wedge of laughing cow swiss cheese, on a weight watchers wheat english muffin, with roasted red peppers, onion, dijon mustard and picadilly relish! VERY MESSY and VERY GOOD!
So after eating and getting warmed up and cuddling with figgy.. I feel better and here I am! Though I just told my husband that I was coming in the living room to watch tv with him. (hardly ever do that!) Just feeling like vegging out for a change!
OH girlies.. (and guys.. I think chris is the only guy that comes here.. but dont want to disclude him.. is that a word? disclude?)
anyways.. only 3 weeks til frannies kittens are due! she is getting so fat! I'm sooooo excited!
Well I'm off to the couch with some needle felting to work on! need to make some mice for a mouse swap!
hey.. one more thing... Im brewing up an idea.. NOT a swap.. but a challange to make something to keep not to give away.. more thinking to do .. I'll let you know when I get it figured out!
Later blogland!
I am so glad you arrived home safely.It is sooo very cold here also...m.
I just wanted to say thta I am so inspired by your Weight Watchers experience that I am signing myself up after the first of the year!
GIrl , as one funny guy said at the little breakfast place near us -- (yumm can I say ""biscuits and gravy ?? yikes )-- His wife has a computer in her head (very funny )
So yours is working overtime -- always something fun from your blogland -- Be safe - keep warm -- was 21 here last night -- very cold &windy -- Kathy - ga ♥-
Go VIV!!!! I love air popped pop corn too. It keeps my mouth busy and my stomach quiet!
Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Yup, it is.
Please join me in my very first "Amour Valentine Swap". It's going to be easy, peezy and so much fun.
Just drop on over to my blog for the details, then send me an email if you'd like to participate. The more the merrier.
oh dear keep warm! It is warmer here in least where I am.Love the popcorn maker!Sweeeeet!I too am going to try and lose weight this year. Cookies don't help!
P.S Love you furbaby that you got for your daughter!
(((HUGS))) Mica
Viv, your popcorn maker is so cute...i need to get one of those for the boys, they love their popcorn...i can't wait to see those little kitty babies, how excited you must be!!!
What an adorable popcorn maker! Glad you are warm and well! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas:0)
Vivian....I hear you on the cookies in the house issue. If they are near, I must eat them. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. I am starting next week...isn't that the story of my life?? I'm intrigued by your new idea, and can't wait to hear what it is. I hope your holidays were amazing. Be safe, and keep warm.
xxoo Valarie
Merry Belated Christmas, Viv! Your blog is so very cute.
I wish I lived closer. I'd beg my husband for one of your babies. Franny and Figgy are so cute. Do you have homes for them yet? Will you sell them all or keep a few? When our Sheba had her kittens, Mr. Bojo put his foot down and wouldn't let me keep any. I could never be a breeder--I'd end up a cat lady!
Vivian! Please check my blog first thing tomorrow or after midnight tonight! E
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