Sometimes I wonder what my mail lady thinks! I think I get more packages then bills or junk mail! I bet shes jealous!
I am suffering tonight from a silly little headache behind my eyes.. which is going to cause me to plant myself on the couch early I think! But before then and before I totally forget to post these pics, I want to show you some of the mail I got yesterday!

I did a special little one to one swap with Kelbug on flickr.. and she sent me this awesome little pumkin guy creation! I love him. I had sent her the pumpkin from a few posts ago.. "pumpkin prom"

Then a total surprise from my sweet friend Barb Burkard, 123lavenderlane... dont ya just love those siamese kittys? Thank you so much Barb!! When this headache goes away, I will find the Purrfect spot for it.

And.. look at these little kittens! they are sooo tiny. These are actually part of my birthday present from Cindy. she ordered them from someone in england.. I love them so much... I have to find somewhere special to keep them!
and if thats not enough.. check out this next picture.. she sent me all these patterns, a raggedy address book and cards! Thank you so much Cindy! If you ever have the opportunity to swap with her, you wont be sorry!
And speaking of Cindy.. I still havent posted the cute birthday gifts she sent me! It wasnt just those precious little kittens.. look at all these goodies too! Once again, thank you cindy!
I also recieved a package from my dear sweet Kai for my birthday.. She has a sense of humor like no other! I posted quite a while ago, a picture of figgy and frannie up on the counter eating a bowl of peas... so she made me a little crocheted siamese kitty, eating a plate of peas!!!! lol! I love it.. as well as all these other sweet things! Thank you Kai!
ONe more birthday package to show you.. from my cute friend Natalea.. (kandeland) You cant see it too well in the picture , but the book is like a journal, with tons of questions and prompts of things to write about myself. I'm going to start it one of these days.. I just hate to write in it! and look at the sweet little forever friends hanging collage! Thank you to Natalea too!

I know that I recieved a few other things too, that I havent posted.. Please forgive me.. I promise for now on to post my pics.. before too much time goes by and I forget!! I am soooo forgetful
I want to apologize for not leaving too many comments lately on your blogs.. believe me I've been to them.. all.... but I'm struggling with time management right now... I will be by again before the weeks done.. and will try to leave comments! I'm promise!
I lost another 1.4 pounds this week.. but I came home tonight and pigged out a bit... Not totally out of control. but i ate more then I should have.. Oh well There will be those days sometimes!
toodles for now!
Wow, Vivian!!!!
I love that little pumpkin guy you got in the one on one swap. I need to go check out her flickr. : )
What is the pumpkin person made out of? Is it clay?
And, that sweet little siamese kitties wall hanging. I love it!
And, I'm so glad you like the raggedy ann I made for you and the "extras" and the birthday prezzies. : )
And, look at what sweet Kai did! I LOVE that crocheted kitty!
You got awesome mail, my friend!
Congratulations on the continuing weight loss. That is an incredible achievement. Hooray for Vivian!
Wow, so many goodies! Hope you had a fantastic birthday! Mine was last week and it was just another day of getting older! Looks like you had a great one!
OMG! Your mail carrier needs HERNIA INSURANCE when he or she delivers to you. LOL! Girl, that's a LOT of mail! It's such fun coming to your blog because there's always so much to see! My computer is behaving HORRIBLY lately & when I go to some of the blogs, it just automatically SHUTS ME DOWN. Grrrrr! Glad I can still see yours. I love that darling doll Cindy made & those lil' felt kitties! Sooooo cute! Glad you liked my gifties! Big hugs to you, Viv!
oh what FUN!!!!
AH girl -- such cuteness -- You got the cutest things -- Hope headache is better -- Hugs kathy - ga ♥
Oh my, those kittens are so darn cute!
I.m not sure about the swap yet...I'll be back.
I hope your headache goes away. I just got over the flu. I LOVE the kitty with the peas and the kittens Cindy sent ya. You are so lucky!! Cindy is definitely THE person to swap with indeed!Hooray for the continuous weight loss!
Sandy xox
Congrats on the additional weight go girl! Your swap gifts are darling. That little pumpkin man is the best! But everything is amazing. Love those little kitties. How fun!
I am waiting to see if my postman will ever bring me some of those terrific packages!!!
XOXO Nancy
Oh my I think someone is very spoiled indeed...I just love all of the items you have received. They are all cute whimsical and fun.. especially I love your little Annie :)LOL those little cute kitties remind me of you new adopted babies.. all squished up and loving :)
WOW! WOW!! Lots of wonderful fun goodies you got. Love them and the kittens are adorable.
Congrats! on your continuing weight loss. That's FANTASTIC!!
Holy cow, you got some amazing goodies there!!! that little kitty family is darling!
*runs to check mailbox* :)
Look at those CUTE CUTE CUTE little kittens!
I love the little must be thrilled with them!
have a great weekend...(we're going to the circus at HSBC in the morning)...give me a call when you're bored! xo natalea
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