Weight watchers makes you count points.. so thats all I think about the past few weeks.. How many points is that??? How many points is this.. and I have my trusty little weight watchers book that lists points of common things and the the little slider thingy that I can use to figure out the points of other things.. how many calories, how much fiber and how much fat! but I'm getting used to it and its working.. down 8/9 pounds now.. only 61 to go!
So.... the thing is .. I have a really bad sweet tooth.. in fact I have about 32 really bad sweet tooths! and I think they work over time! someone brought donuts into work today and I had to go smell them! Its a good thing there wasnt a bavarian cream filled with choc frosting.. I would have probably cried! No, not really, (well, really I did go smell the donuts.. but I wouldnt have cried !) actually this really hasnt been too bad. I feel good about making healthier choices and I know that by next summer, I will have lost all that weight! and, I also know that this is for life.. .. I will probably be counting points forever!
One of my faves: 1 point for jiffy pop microwave single bag popcorn.. I eat one just about every day.. (but did you ever hear about popcorn lung??? yeah.. google it.. its for real!)
Then theres these.. not a very good choice, but I love then and I thought eh, I could probably eat a couple or three of these and have them only equal 1 point all together. so I bought a handful and ate one.. came home and looked them up. I was wrong.. 1 point a piece!! well, I wont be eating many of these, in fact I think tomorrow I'll take them to work and give them to my boys!
NO points for this next picture.. you cant eat it so it doesnt count! but just thought Id show her to you. My sweet blogger pal Cindy sent me this little box of dolls, and I turned this little one into a witch. I have to mention that this little witch was inspired by the little witch that Lori from faeriewindows made me in my shadow box! anyways.. she was fun to make.
Pretty soon I will have a bunch of swap pics to show. all my swappers from the halloween shadow box and pinkeep swap should have mailed out by now.. though, I have recieved very few pictures! (I seem to have lost control!!) girls.. If youre out there please send me pics! I want to post them all together in another week or so.
Also.. I have pics of gifts that some of you have sent me that I need to post too.. hopefully this weekend I can get that done! Yeah!! a three day weekend!
And, now.. I shall leave you with a picture of
Arent they FREAKEN cute??
happy weekend!
The little witchy doll , such a cutie -- and the muffins yumm !! ' will try those -- A muffin and coffee are a perfect breakfast for me . have a GREAT! weekend
kathy - ga ♥
Your fur babies are growing up! They don't look like kittens any longer, just beautiful cats.
Viv, you really are being a good girl following your weight watchers...good for you...LOVE the dress you made for your witch girl...she looks really cute...the top part looks esp pretty...your kitties are SO adorable!!!
Love your kitties and the little witch! Good job on your weight loss--keep it up! :)
Those pumpkin muffins look yummy and easy to make! Thanks for sharing, Esther
The doll is absolutely wonderful!
Re: your question... Castle in the Air is a store in Berkeley, CA. They have an awesome supply of art goodies both vintage and new. I'd be happy to send you the link to their website if you'd like.
I am going to make the Muffins. They sounds yummy plus the points are great.
Little Witchy Doll is ADORABLE!! Love her costume.
Love the Pure Perfect Sweetness!! They Are too.
I was sitting here reading your blog and I remembered Ashley Furniture will be delivering our new sofa and chair between 12 & 4:30 today. LOL LOL!! I was still in my night gown so in the mist of reading your blog I jumped up and put clothes on right quick. Couldn't have my door bell ringing dressed like that.
Guess what they are here!!! Bye
I LOVE your little witch doll! I never would have thought of doing anything like that with those wee dolls.
And, the kitties.....I truly love your cat babies.
Hugs and love,
Hi Vivian, It's me. I am looking forward to swaps in the future with you! You are an amazingly creative and kind person.
freakin' cute crazy cat lady!!
Gotta try those muffins!!
I wish I had your will power!!!
I just can't seem to stay on a diet
or exercise program to save my be-hind!!
Love the Halloween pictures and the teeny witch!!
Oh my goodness, those muffins look De~lish!!!!!! They sound so easy to make too! Love your little witch doll and the kitties, of course, are Darling!
xo Tiff :)
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